Then we layed out a mish-mash of tubes that at first glance looked like they were going to cause us nothing but grief. "What does this thingy do?" and "this is a funny shaped tube" and "how come we have 40 of these and only 2 of these...?"

But then Jean pulled out the instruction manual and Armageddon was avoided. All the tubes had corresponding letters and numbers and the manual guided you step by step through the magical journey of greenhouse building.

Instead of trying to piecemeal together a bunch of found glass or spend a fortune buying it, we opted to use vapour barrier plastic for the walls and roof. It was surprisingly easy to drape the plastic over the top and the piece we cut folded out twice to cover the entire roof and walls. The only other piece we'll need to cut are for the ends of the structure.

Midway through construction, Skye provided us with her delicious lemonade. It was getting hot inside that greenhouse and labourers can become quite unpredictable when dehydration kicks in....

A big thank you to all who participated this week. We are working towards a vegetable prosperous neighbourhood!